Journal of Agricultural Issues (JAI) provides a focal point for publication of original research papers, critical reviews, monographs and short communications etc. on all aspects of agriculture and allied subjects including interdisciplinary studies dealing with : a. The contemporary research, teaching, extension, administrative and other professional issues. b. The revision of existing concepts and techniques. c. The integration of existing and new scientific information to focus on a given theme. d. The letters containing scientific comments on papers published in JAI and reviews of books within the scope of the journal and e. Proceedings of symposia, seminars and workshops on the current issues organized by the university.
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur has played a vital role and implemented an array of government iniaves, which helped delivering the power of egovernance to the masses. We are commied and connuously improving on public service delivery by implemenng technology driven projects. The university has created an efficient IT infrastructure network, which spreads across state and up to the most remote areas of Chhasgarh. The recent revoluon in digital agriculture and ICT has opened new avenues and provided a power tool to help sciensts, farmers, government organizaons to enhance crop improvement, producvity, weather forecast and access to informaon in real me. IGKV is a leading organizaon and pioneer in implemenng modern breeding principles and pracces known as “Breeding Program Modernizaon” in collaboraon with the internaonal organizaons such as CGIAR- Excellence in Breeding (EiB) and CGIAR- IRRI to increase genec gain. Massive scale Digizaon in crop breeding programs, Error free- Electronic Data Capture, Data Management, and Breeding Informacs through a use of “Cloud based Breeding Management System” is being installed at IGKV with help from CGIAR-Excellence in Breeding (EiB). This development will transform the tradional crop breeding to the NextGen Data Driven Breeding. The latest iniave, “Online Editorial Management System” for Journal of Agricultural Issues (JAI), is designed to provide a digital online plaorm for manuscript submission and publicaon. NIC plays a key role in developing and operaonalizing new applicaons with end-to-end support for students, farmers, and sciensts. All members of the IGMIS team deserve sincere “Congratulaon” for unique efforts, support, and services to the university.