Instructions To Authors
Journal of Agricultural Issues (JAI) publishes original papers, short communications and review articles by renowned scientists, covering all areas of food legumes research. The paper should not have been published or communicated elsewhere. Authors will be solely responsible for the tactual accuracy of their contribution. Language of publication is English (British).
Please send your manuscript to following address:
Journal of Agriculture Issues
Knowledge and Technology Resource Center
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya,
Krishak Nagar, Raipur-492012, Chattisgarh, India
E-mail : jai[at]igkv[dot]ac[dot]in
Manuscript must be submitted through e-mail. You should also submit a hard copy of your manuscript for our official record. Besides author(s) is required to submit a certificate that the paper is exclusive for Journal of Food Legumes. Manuscripts must conform to the Journal style (see the latest issue). Correct language is the responsibility of the author. After having received your contribution (date of submission), there will be a review process before the editorial board takes decision regarding acceptance for publication. One copy of the revision together with the original manuscript must be returned to the subject editor or Secretary. The submitted paper must be one complete word document file comprising a title page, abstract, text, references, tables, figure legends and figures. When preparing your text file, please use only Times New Roman for text (12 point, double spacing) and Symbol font for Greek letters to avoid inadvertent character substitutions.
Every original paper should be divided into the following five sections: ABSTRACT, Key words, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, and REFERENC ES. The manuscript should be typed on one side of the paper only, double spaced, and with 4-cm margins with page and line numbers. The main title must he capital bold. Subheading must be hold italic and Sub-sub heading normal italic.
At the head of the manuscript, the following information should be given: the title of the paper, the name(s) of the author(s), the institute where the research was carried out, the present addresses of the authors (foot note) and of the corresponding author (if different from above Institute). Authors are required to provide running, title of the paper. You must supply an E-mail address for the cot responding author.
The abstract should contain at least one sentence on each of the following: objective of investigation (hypothesis, purpose, aim), experimental material, method of investigation, data collection, result and conclusions. Maximum length of abstract is 175 cords. Up to 10 key words should be added at the end of the abstract and separated by comma. ICH. Key words must he arranged alphabetically (e.g., EMS, Gamma ray, Mungbean, Mutations, Path coefficient …).
Each figure, table, and bibliographic entry must have a reference in the text. Any correction requested by the reviewer should also be integrated into the tile.
Manuscript file including tables must be in MS Word and Windows-compatible and must not contain any tiles other than those for the current manuscript. Please do not import the figures into the text file. The text should be prepared using standard software (Microsoft Word); do not use automated or manual hyphenation.
Manuscripts should not exceed a final length of 15 printed pages, i.e., 5,000 words, including spaces required for figures, tables and list of references. Manuscripts for short communications should not exceed 3000 words (3 printed pages, with not more than a total of 2 figures or tables).
Units, abbreviations and nomenclature
For physical units, unit names and symbols, the SI-system should be employed. Biological names should he given according- to the latest international nomenclature. Botanical and zoological names, gene designations and gene symbols are italicized. Yield data should be reported in kg/ha. The name of varieties or genotypes must start and end with single inverted comma (e.g., `Priya', `IPA 204', ……..).
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be limited to the necessary minimum. Please submit reproducible artwork. For printing of colored photograph, authors will he charged Rs. 4000/- per photograph. It is essential that figures are submitted as high-resolution scans.
The list of references should only include publications cited in the text. They should be cited in alphabetical order under the first author's name, listing all authors, the year of publication and the complete title, according to the following examples:
Becker I IC, kin SC' and Leon J. 198. Stability analysis in plant breeding. Plant Breeding 101: 1-23.
Sokal RR and Rholf FJ. 1981. Biometry', 2nd Ed. Freeman, San Francisco.
Tandon IILS. 1993. Methods of Analysis of Soils, Plants, Water and Fertilizers (ed). Fertilizer Development and Consultation Organization, New Delhi, India. 143 pp.
Singh DP 1989. Mutation breeding in blackgram. In: SA Farook and IA Khan (Eds), Breeding Food Legumes. Premier Tublishing House, Hyderabad, India. Pp 103-109.
Takkar PIN and Randhawa INS. 1980. Zinc deficiency in Indian soils and plants. In: Proceedings of Seminar on Zinc Wastes and their Utilization, 15-16 October 1980, Indian Lead-Zinc Information Centre, Fertilizer Association of India, New Delhi, India. Pp 13-15.
Satyanarayan Y. 1953. Photosociological studies on calcareous plants of Bombay. Ph.D. Thesis, Bombay University, Mumbai, India.
In the text, the bibliographical reference is made by giving the name of the author(s) voth the year of publication. If there are two references, then it should be separated by placing 'comma' (e.g., Becker et al. 1988, Tandon 1993). If references are of the same year, arrange them in alphahatic order, otherwise arrange them in ascending order of the years.
While preparing manuscripts, authors are requested to go through the latest issue of the journal.