
Governed by Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Adhiniyam (Act) 1987 of Madhya Pradesh State and Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya statues 1987 (9 September 1987) and with subsequent amendments (4 October 1990, 26 September 1994 and 15 March 1995).

Amendments in IGKV statute as approved by Rajbhawan for creation of faculty of horticulture

Under the Act of 1987 (Madhya Pradesh Government) IGKV came into existence vested with power to institute academic degrees. The university has power to give instruction in agriculture and other allied sciences. Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya has been given power to establish colleges relating to agriculture and other allied sciences. The university can conduct examinations and confer degrees, diplomas or other distinctions as deemed fit. The university is also empowered to award Scholarship, Fellowships, medals and prizes etc. There is a provision to generate technologies through research and the same be disseminated to the farming community and general public through extension activities. In 2000, after the formation of Chhattisgarh state, the IGKV Act has been modified and affiliated colleges with self finance scheme were brought under the jurisdiction of IGKV.


MP Gazette 9th Sept. 1987 & 10th Oct. 1990, 26th Sept. 1994, 15th March, 1995

IGKV is governed by Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Adhiniyam (Act) 1987 of Madhya Pradesh State and Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya statues 1987 (9 September 1987) and with subsequent amendments (4 October 1990, 26 September 1994 and 15 March 1995). As per the Act and Statues the University Governance is as follows: His Excellency the governor of the state is the Chancellor and Head of the University followed by Vice-chancellor, Board of Management, Academic Council, Administrative Council, Research Council, Extension Council and Council of PG studies and faculties. Hon’ble Vice-chancellor is the Principal Executive and Academic Officer of the University. The other statutory Officers are Registrar, Comptroller, Deans, Directors, Superintendent Physical Plant and University Librarian.