
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, MahaSamund

About Us Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) is a noble concept developed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) which was rest upon a solid base of transfer of technology from laboratory to farmer's field with respect to Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Bee keeping, Mushroom Cultivation, under Farming and allied subjects. Realizing the importance of technology dissemination in the changing scenario of food and nutritional security, The ICAR intervened in a big way. It was also envisaged that technology assessed by the KVK will be act as a model for line departments and catalyze to improve the existing systems for better delivery mechanism.
Our History Conducting "on-farm testing" for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems (Technology Assessment and Refinement). Organize training programmes to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis (In-service training). Organize short and long-term vocational training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers and rural youth with emphasis on "learning by doing" for higher production on farms and generating self employment (Vocational training). Organize Front Line Demonstration on various crops to generate production data and feedback information (Front Line Demonstration). Work as resource and knowledge center of agricultural technology for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agriculture economy of the district.
Our Mission Formation of Farmers Commodity based Groups. Rendering need based farm advisory services. Implementing State and Central Governments sponsored agriculture related development programmes. Developing location specific technologies conducting skill demonstrations. Doordarshan, Websites and Newspapers, Newsletters. Precision Farming, National; Horticulture Mission, ATMA, IAMWARM etc.
Our Vision Formation of Farmers Commodity based Groups. Rendering need based farm advisory services. Implementing State and Central Governments sponsored agriculture related development programmes. Developing location specific technologies conducting skill demonstrations. Doordarshan, Websites and Newspapers, Newsletters. Precision Farming, National; Horticulture Mission, ATMA, IAMWARM etc.
Dr. Satish Kumar Verma Senior Scientist and Head (PC)

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Contact Detail

  •   Krishi Vigyan Kendra Vill Bhalesar,P.O. Kanekera District Mahasamund Pin - 493445 Chattisgarh State, 493445

  •   kvkmahasamund[at]gmail[dot]com,kvk[dot]mahasamund[at]igkv[dot]ac[dot]in

  •   07723204852